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Here Are the Four Benefits of Push-ups

There are various benefits of push-ups that can be obtained for fitness. The benefits of push-ups in addition to strength training, can also help you reduce weight, improve body balance, and make the heart healthier. Push-ups are a type of exercise that can be done at home without the need for expensive support. Push-ups include isometric endurance sports, which are movements that are performed using immovable objects to trigger contraction of the body's muscles. This movement can train the strength and endurance of the body.

Various Types of Push-up Benefits

There are various benefits of push-ups that can be obtained if done regularly, including:
  • Maintain healthy muscles and bones

  • Maintaining healthy muscles and bones is important since puberty, because after this period every year you will lose at least 3 to 5 percent of muscle and bone strength. Therefore you need to do strength training exercises, such as push-ups that focus on muscles and bones in the chest and arms.
  • Prevent and overcome sarcopenia

  • Sarcopenia is a condition in which muscle mass decreases due to aging of the muscles. One of the causes of sarcopenia is lack of activity. Sports that can increase strength, such as push-ups, can trigger muscle mass formation.
  • Form the muscles of the upper body

  • Push-up movements use more of the upper body muscles, namely the triceps (outer muscles of the upper arm) and chest. Although only focused on the upper body, push-ups can also strengthen other body parts. Because when you do a good push-up, other muscles, including the abdominal muscles, back, and legs will be active.
  • Tighten the limbs

  • By doing push-ups as much as 12-15 times a day, and supported by other movements, can help tighten and shape the arms, abdomen, buttocks, up to your legs.

The Right Way to Push-Up

To get maximum results, of course you need to do the right push-up movements. Do not make the mistake of lifting the upper part of the body using the abdominal muscles, buttocks, or lower body as the main driver. The right movement is to activate the arm and chest muscles. In the down position, do not let your chest touch the floor. Hold at least 5 cm from the floor. And during the push-up, keep your body in a straight line, from the head, back, buttocks, to the legs. One way to get a healthy body, fit, and ideal body weight, is to do regular push-ups. Get rid of feeling lazy and various reasons, start thinking about all the benefits of push-ups that you can get.


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