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Don't Be Tired, There Are Many Benefits of Walking

Walking is not only a cheap and mild exercise, but also provides many health benefits for the body. The benefits of walking that you can get include reducing stress, losing weight, preventing diabetes, and reducing the risk of cancer. Do not be lazy or afraid to be tired to do sports on foot. Even if you experience problems with your knees or legs, don't make this an excuse for not exercising. You can work around this by walking light to fast.

Benefits of Walking

Walking should be done for 30 minutes a day. However, so that your body is not surprised, try walking for 10 minutes per day. Once accustomed, gradually increase its duration. If walking is done routinely and accompanied by living a healthy lifestyle every day, then you will get the benefits of walking as follows:

Good for heart health and lower cholesterol

Walking has good benefits for heart health. This is because walking can increase heart rate, increase blood circulation in the body, and strengthen the heart. Not only that, walking on a regular basis can also reduce cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and blood pressure. However, if you have heart problems, consult your doctor first if you want to walk regularly. This is so that you know your own body's capacity and strength.
  • Prevents type 2 diabetes

  • In addition to heart disease, the risk of type 2 diabetes can also drop by 30 percent, by walking for at least 30 minutes a day. By walking, you trigger the muscles to work more so that its ability to absorb glucose increases.
  • Lose weight

  • By walking fast for 30 minutes, you can burn at least 150 calories per day. The faster your footsteps, the more calories you burn. However, walking is not enough. You also need to support it with a healthy diet.
  • Boosts the immune system

  • Lack of exercise can make your body susceptible to disease. Try to take the time to walk for at least 30 minutes. Walking can improve the immune system which is useful against infections.
  • Reducing stress

  • Walking routine can reduce and prevent stress. When walking or doing other physical activities, your body releases endorphins which make you feel better, reduce anxiety, and depression. In addition, walking can improve mood and make sleep more soundly.
  • Prevents osteoporosis

  • Osteoporosis is caused by bone thinning so that the bones become porous, brittle, and prone to fractures. By walking, you can build and maintain bone health.
In addition to the six benefits above, other benefits of walking that you can get include reducing the risk of stroke, obesity, arthritis, and some types of cancer. So, make the best use of this cheap inexpensive sport. Take just a little time a day to walk. You can work around this by parking your vehicle further from the office or walking for 15-30 minutes while traveling.


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