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Clean Earwax Safely

Cleaning ear wax can be done alone. But before doing so, you need to know how to clean earwax correctly and safely. Improper ways can cause the risk of injury to the ear. Earwax, or cerumen, is produced by glands in the ear canal. The amount and type are different for each person. Ear wax in normal amounts actually has a function to protect the ears and inhibit the growth of germs in the ear canal. Earwax works to block dust or other small particles that have the potential to interfere with or infect the eardrum. Earwax also acts as a layer that protects the skin of the ear canal from water. Without earwax, this area can become dry, itchy, and even susceptible to infection. It is important to know that the ear actually has its own cleansing mechanism, namely through jaw movements such as when chewing or through the process of exfoliation. When chewing, earwax will be pushed to the outside of the ear canal. At that time, ear wax will also carry dust and foreign matter in the ear canal. Movement of the jaw will help release the remaining dirt that sticks to the walls of the ear canal so that it is more easily released.

Blockage Due To Earwax

Despite having their own cleansing mechanism, some people have abnormal or small ear canal, making it difficult for the earwax to come out on its own. This can trigger ear canal obstruction by earwax or cerumen prop. In addition, ear canal obstruction can also be caused by improper cleaning efforts. For example, using cotton buds or hair clips. This can actually push ear wax deeper, and can even cause injury to the ear. Some other conditions that trigger a blockage due to ear wax, such as:
  • Use of hearing aids or earplugs (earplugs) or earphones placed inside the ear. This can increase the amount of earwax.
  • Have experienced ear canal blockage due to ear wax before, or ear infection that causes the ear canal to shrink.
  • Having certain skin conditions or diseases related to connective tissue.
  • Ear glands that produce too much wax due to injury or injury, causing blockages in the ear canal.
  • Elderly. As you get older, ear wax will become drier and harder so the risk of blockage is higher.

How to Clean Earwax

There are several safe methods to deal with blockages due to ear wax that can be done. First, use ear drops that can be bought freely, so that earwax is more easily removed. Read the dosage and how to use it on the label. Generally need to be allowed to stand about 5 minutes after being dropped into the ear by tilting the head, then let the liquid come out by re-establishing the position of the head. The next method, using a round syringe that can spray warm water into the ear. To prevent dizziness, use warm water. This method cannot be done on people who have holes in the eardrum. Meanwhile, the ear candle method so far is not recommended because it can cause injury to the ear. For example, burning of the ear canal or outer ear, and resulting in a hole in the eardrum. It must be remembered, to remove ear plugs with certain tools manually, it should be done by a doctor. If there are complaints that interfere with the ear or want to clean earwax in a safer way, you should consult an ENT doctor.


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