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Beware of Signs of Miscarriage

The rate of fetal death due to miscarriage is fairly high, ranging from 1-2 to 10 pregnant women. It should be noted for every pregnant woman that there are various forms of miscarriage, but do not be misunderstood, because not all of them lead to fetal death in the womb. Miscarriage is the death of a fetus in the womb before 20 weeks gestation. Miscarriage in medical language is also called spontaneous abortion. Bleeding from the vagina and abdominal pain are the main signs of miscarriage. However, if this happens, it does not necessarily indicate fetal death. The situation in which the fetus and pregnancy can still be maintained even though there have been signs of miscarriage, is called a 'threat of miscarriage' or an abortion (threatened abortion).

What Is the Sign of Miscarriage?

Some of the signs of miscarriage below should be known to pregnant women. This knowledge is important so that when signs of miscarriage arise, the mother can immediately seek medical help.
  • Bleeding

  • The first signs of miscarriage must be known is vaginal bleeding. Bleeding is considered as the main sign of miscarriage because it is experienced by about 3 in 10 pregnant women who experience miscarriage. But not all bleeding will end in miscarriage. If pregnant women who experience bleeding immediately get medical help, the possibility of miscarriage can be prevented.
  • Pain

  • If bleeding is accompanied by pain, it should be watched as a sign of miscarriage. Parts of the body that are sick are usually the pelvis, abdomen, and back. The pain is difficult to distinguish from cramps during early pregnancy due to the enlargement of the uterus.
  • Decreased baby's movements

  • Activity of the baby in the stomach is a sign of health and general development. Consult with your doctor if pregnant women feel a decrease in baby's movements. This sign is generally felt when gestational age has increased or passed the first trimester.
  • Changes in pregnancy symptoms

  • Changes in pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting, are not a common sign of miscarriage. But if the changes occur drastically, then it needs to be aware of. In the second trimester of pregnancy, these changes may be related to the problem of a decrease in pregnancy hormones.
  • Tissue or fluid out of the vagina

  • The blood that clots and the fetus that is still in the form of tissue may come out of the vagina. If there is tissue that comes out of the vagina, place it in a clean container then take it to the doctor for analysis to find out the actual condition.
Keep in mind, bleeding in the early trimester is not always related to miscarriage. Many pregnant women experience this but still continue their pregnancy and give birth to their baby. In the condition of 'miscarriage', pregnant women should do bed rest and avoid having sex while pregnant.

Causes and Risk Factors You Need to Know

Most miscarriages occur in the first three months of pregnancy or the first trimester. The most common cause of problems with the fetus or fetus. Genetic disorders in the embryo are often regarded as a major factor causing miscarriage. Genetic disorders make the baby's development to grow normally stunted so that he is unable to survive. This genetic problem itself generally occurs purely in the embryo and does not originate from the mother's genetic makeup. In addition, it could also be due to disruption of the development of the placenta that connects the mother to child While the cause of miscarriage in the second trimester is usually caused by the health condition of the mother. Some medical conditions can increase the risk of miscarriage, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, lupus, thyroid disease, rubella, malaria, or sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, a miscarriage in this trimester can also be caused by infection in the baby, taking certain drugs, food poisoning, or opening the uterus too quickly. In addition to the conditions above, some things that are considered capable of increasing the risk of miscarriage include:
  • The age of the mother during pregnancy is quite old
  • Never miscarried before
  • Pregnant women consume excessive alcohol
  • Smoking while pregnant
  • Exposed to radiation exposure
  • Injury to the uterus
  • Mother's weight is too thin or too fat
  • Anatomic abnormalities in the uterus
  • Pregnant women actively use drugs
Knowing the causes and signs of miscarriage is expected to ward off mistaken views about the causes of miscarriage. Stress, exercise, work, spicy food, traveling by plane, or having sex, are not associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. To maintain the health of the mother and the fetus during pregnancy, live a healthy lifestyle and routinely conduct pregnancy consultations so that the mother and baby are always healthy.


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